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"Welcome to Sho-Lung Dojo"

      "School of GeninKachido" (Shorinjutsu Ryu Daimyo & Kwanju)  

This school is one in the greater Frederick area, a private school of martial arts devoted to the grand design of the martial ideals as in...( examples )  

1. training : development into an automatic, reactionary and observational control ( so movement is fast and  effective )  almost without thought.....

A system to develop mastery in the arts as well in the spirit.....  

2. Weapons:  as of weapon respect and the defensive nature , rather then the attack first ideal in those who think this makes them good, truthfully it is the master of himself/or/her to become one with themselves and the art for this is grand nature and the richness of the arts....( the real Mastery )   

3. The richness of the historical messages and masters lessons ( this learning teaches in a way simple Kata will never , true Kata and sparing can bring you skill, but a great teacher will say that the art has chosen you first and always,  not the other way around ... )  

4. When the student is ready the master will appear, this  wording is true, however if one has been seeking a master,  A great teacher will know this, ( defense is good, but a ready defense is better )  

5. Respect for life and for those who in both way will test you as  most lessons of life can do, we are trained for self and the military type school can offer this directly, because they can be turning the grunt or other into a weapon, and not a for-filled martial design, Ask the masters, they don't advocate aggressive, but they also won't desire  you on  the street without a defense nature , hard or soft.... 

These and more formal lessons are taught here....   

kata, positioning, and natural form is the first things,    1-4 forms   then 5-10  as we feel the student is progressing,  (for my outer instructors) then setup at least 3 sessions where they, the student or students can show me what any have  learned -must have between 10- 15- 20 technics to be ranked for a belt of that level,
- hands/knees/feet/ unless head teacher is requested to set the practice,
-( then you evolve from there )  judo/with/karate, or aikido, or shorin with judo still keeping with the startup.....
(As for ranking i  require 2 full months worth of training before testing is even considered
, unless otherwise said or required)
and exercise ( hands /feet/ and jumping jacks ) 3 runs ( about 3-5 miles ) if you, the instructor, or teacher  require. Sparing is on assigned area, until the student has acquired at least 15 technics
( of a art, rank, or level... but test sparing is to help them see how the skill is used, can happen anytime....

As for The Ways....... Any must have formal time with their instructor and as the Master teacher sees fit..... basics, tosses, trips, grabs, and escapes   > classes offered, depends on student, and basic to advanced self defense, style and traditional education as in ( ways of social design) (all based on the evaluation)

as class schedules are setup by phone and time given, group training is based on the time of the teacher/instructors or test/styles required..... Weapons training is often on a grade level and after any of the 5 basic forms ( karate, judo, ju-jutsu,aikido, shorin ) unless one is doing kungfu, then it is a mixture,  If students show greater potential , then they are......

1. invited more time to train,

2. given weapon or duty exercises of a higher level, weapons and lessons of advanced training, any or all.......... are taught in defense then attack, no other way..... 3. The rest is up to the School, Branch or Instructor Sok'e/Sifu R.L.             

Now the requirements: Training is 2-3 days a week, unless offered otherwise, Student pays for Uniform and Equipment ( training is free ) to most...  (contact me for) more on payment requirements for the advanced arts   Advanced lessons such as in:   Kungfu : shaolin 'bak sing choy la fut'
wood dummy training can create speed and deadly accurate skill, but is more to outwit then submit, we have those too.....(along the line of wing chun and chi-kung kenpo)

Shorin : (tomarite-masumori-aikijutsu) the basics of all karate as in
hard/soft, this teaches bravery and skill of fighting as in a mobile
warrior, and is also good for close combat

Ninjutsu : ku-san-kagi nin
this art is the art of escape, and is taught to only those that i
feel will be serious and develop their mind and body to be like the ninja "they wasn't killers hired or other, that was samurai and
Chinese spies trying to be like their image.... instead they created an art based on motivation of others and their lore, what others created as a fighting system, they would better it and make it more feared......(must be a heavy brown from another school or green belt of mine to learn this....sorry)

Samurai Aiki-jutsu : The art of tenshin bushi to jubei-dai-kokuri-tenshin-yagu ryu and yoshi/kokuri nagi-shin-kaga budo (i have all five styles)
but basically they are used as multi and motivation defense of the samurai nature (and only offered to one who is found wise in the way of the samurai self.....)

I also do kempo (chen; various open fist with short strong strikes (wood monkey style), chu (shang wai; slipping and roping links (close combat, and multi forms including 2 weapons), and lei long (sleeping smoke dragon) chan; hands and grapples/ wu; feet and balances and jeet....(kungfu, and wingchun open lotus form)

but if you wish to train at my school, you must be offered and as you read, you pay for supplies only and you must keep it to yourself, I don't care for world students tend to bring me students....(nothing more) do i care to accept... (however from time to time a master needs a worthy pupil or group of them, otherwise why teach a for-filling way) Aikido,Aikijutsu,Samurai type study, Jujutsu and ninjutsu
( might require more in the way of payment ) due to time and the advancement of skill level.......   leave an e-mail saying your interested in lessons...and your contact number.....please...
(otherwise your mail might not get through)    email : the school or call for private meeting...  


Tags: east coast, self defensive, martial, arts, free, kung fu, karate, study, maryland  

Sho-Lung-Dojo of Maryland is offering to the first 25 persons who have chosen to seek out and become a part of the martial arts.......

after which you can choice to study at the school price, as required.....

Martial arts range from " Shorin Ryu to Shaolin Kung Fu to possible Jeet kune Do to Choy Kempo "
sorry Samurai -Aikijutsu, and Ninjutsu (are pay only) Advanced study..and by Invite...

Sok'e/Sifu R.L
Master of Sho-Lung-Dojo
Frederick, Md 21703

contact email
or by phone...  240-415-0576 (or leave a message )

While other schools make you pay a 2-5 year contract we don't....


It is 300.00 to 500.00 basic to advanced 1st level lessons (1 time only fee) you train until you get to the mid to black belting range, then you get testing fee's only 75.00 and a chance to join the advanced classes at 200.00 more... (once again a 1 time only fee)...

At my academy/dojo we train the artist, not the wallet, i'm interested in money to fund programs, not to just have money, my teachers believed in the heart of the student and mastery of the art, not getting a steady paycheck...from it...

You pay for uniform, equipment....and that is yours.... unless the school requires them to aid in anothers training, if you so chosen to offer assistance to...

We was founded on the old school and private ideals....

So if you seek this and want to belong send a reply...

The most advanced lessons run from 700.00-1,200.00 for material as well its the ninjutsu and samurai-aikijutsu arts each separately ......

(and as you read above you get 1 week to try it before you pay full price, half the money will be held unless you aren't fully happy with what your learning, and if not it will be returned to you after training session ends...) but after the time is up, if you are happy we hope you love whats next...and we keep the fee...and begin you on your formal training and more...)

You will find few schools that offer that, let alone train or teach privately what we do....

More details in the next Links.... or call the number above or leave an email as said before....

Again Thank You For Your Interest in My School and Dojo....

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